Welcome to MurrayMcFarlane.com
Thanks for visiting.
Make yourself at home, have a good look around and shoot me an email if you would like to respond to what you see. I’d be happy to hear from you.
There is a story behind each one of the pieces in the Galleries.
Of course a poem or a painting should always speak for itself. I know that is true but I have always been curious about an author or an artist and what motivates them to write or paint as they do - and when I have learned something about the persons behind the work and the context of their creative efforts my appreciation of their work is deepened. That is my rationale for offering a brief reflection on most of my paintings. My hope is that they will offer you another entry into the work in addition to the purely visual one and that my words will invite you to look a little more closely.
With few exceptions I have always named my paintings - those marked Untitled once did have a name – but working on this website, as I tracked down photos of past work I have done, I discovered I have forgotten the names of quite a few of them or have no record of their dimensions. Others I have lost track of completely. I’ll add to the gallery as I find old stuff and produce new work.
Sizes are indicated in inches, vertical dimension first. All work is in oils unless otherwise indicated.
Very little of what you see here is simply out of my imagination; that would seem to me to be inauthentic. It has always been important to me to know the place I am representing; it needs to be familiar. After hanging one of my exhibitions and standing back to look, it suddenly struck me that all the paintings represented places within a short distance of my home. When I have travelled to unfamiliar places I have realized that it would take me a long time to sink into the new landscape to the point where I would be able to paint it. That may change but, for now, it is my reality and my hope is that you will find that same sense of the familiar in what you see here.
Thanks again for visiting. Please come again.
Murray McFarlane